Summer, Soren, School

Pictures from July and the first half of August...

As I was moving pictures to this post I realized there is a LOT of Soren. :) But I love to document the lightning speed growth of a baby. Seriously, I cannot believe how fast he's growing up. As I write this post he is almost four months. These pictures are from around three months though.

Soren sleeps just like Ira did. Although he's a much better sleeper than Ira was, at least so far. Soren started sleeping long stretches around two months and by three months was even sleeping all night sometimes. He's regressed a bit lately, but typically eats between 2-4 AM and then is back down until anywhere between 6:30-8.

Mid-deck build... The company building our deck had a time slot open earlier than they thought, so our deck was done by mid-July instead of mid-August, which was really fun.

Many Saturday mornings you'll find us at the farmer's market. The boys get popsicles, the parents usually get brunch, and sadly we're always too late for the good donuts. One Saturday Devin and the older boys biked (Henrik rode and Ira in the bike trailer). It was so fun to have a kid old enough to bike all the way downtown. A little scary having him cross streets but he did so well! I'm excited for next summer when Soren will be big enough for the bike trailer and we can all go together.

Devin is still loving his grill. He's smoked some incredible ribs a few times this summer along with many other good meats.

Henrik and I went school supply shopping together. It was so fun to be alone with him and talk to him about my elementary school experiences.

The boy's love and interest for Soren really hasn't wavered. They really do enjoy him and have never been jealous or annoyed he's here. So thankful.

Zoo trips. :)

For the last day before school started, Henrik asked to swim at Blair's pool (Devin's uncle) and have dinner on the deck. So that's what we did. Dinner being naan pizzas and root beer floats.

Not quite ready to be involved in pool time.

Henrik started school on a Friday but Kindergarten was just a half day. The next day on Saturday morning we made a last-minute decision to run up to the lake cottage. It ended up being such a fun day with beautiful weather. The boys really enjoyed jet skiiing, tubing and playing in the water. Soren enjoyed lounging with mom in the shade and mostly refusing to nap. This kid is making it clear he likes to sleep in his crib at home, which is funny because I made zero effort for that to happen.

Ira's favorite new picture face. Sigh. I took this one day when I was feeling pretty sad that he was eating lunch alone at the island. He and Henrik are always sitting there together. It's definitely an adjustment having Henrik gone and there have been times I've wondered if we should have had him do one more year of preschool, but I know that would be silly when he's very capable of being in Kindergarten. He's had a few tough mornings of feeling nervous and I know the days are big and it's asking a lot of him. Overall I've been so shocked with how well he is doing. I also have to keep going back to how sure I was of this decision. His teacher and really all of the adults that he's with during the day are really wonderful, Jesus-loving people and that brings me a lot of comfort. Already the feedback I've had from his teacher is so reassuring of how he's being nurtured there.

Sweet Soren LOVES baths. He smiles and practically laughs as soon as I lay him in the water. This kid is just too much fun. He smiles and laughs so easily. I love his personality so much already. This week a couple times I've gone into get him for a nap and he has rolled over from his stomach to his back. When I go in he's just laying there on his back smiling and so proud. I've yet to see him roll over because he keeps doing it in secret.

We still have some late summer fun coming up and are definitely using our weekends as best we can now that our weeks have to be more structured. But I also like the structure. I don't mind that after dinner we have to stay on track for bedtime, packing lunch, etc. I also know I'll really look forward to breaks and long weekends!


Betsy said...

So happy to see this post! Yes, Soren is positively jovial in that bath. And so thankful it's going so well for H at school. Knowing he's in good hands goes a long way!

Unknown said...

Randomly I check for a blog post and this was fun to read. Love you all!

leah said...

great pics of your boys! thankful for a good start for henrik!