Things I'm Loving / December 2016

I thought December would be a fun month to share a few things I'm loving lately...

Cedar balsam candle from TJ's. This candle is the perfect winter/Christmas scent. I'm super sensitive to fragrances and get headaches easily from candles, but not this one! And it's only a few dollars by the body products in Trader Joe's!

A few months ago I quickly grabbed this Bubba brand kids cup because it was on sale at Target. It's turned out to be the perfect cup for my boy's smoothies. Smoothie cups for kids are hard because they need to be spill-proof but also have a wide enough straw to suck out a thick smoothie. This cup has never leaked (even when Ira holds it upside down) and the boys think it's really fun to drink out

Ladies Trail Socks from Costco. I think it's the perfect sock! They're thin enough that you can wear them with boots/shoes but thick and soft enough to have warm feet around the house.

These two have been my favorite albums over the last month:

The '9" High Rise Skinny Skinny' jean from Madewell. I just bought my second pair of these (in a different wash) because they're the only jeans I ever want to wear. I know jeans are different for everyone, but if your body type is somewhat similar to mine I think these could be your new favorite pair of jeans! On a side note, I'm so happy high-rise jeans are back in because I was SO over constantly hiking up low-rise jeans.

And finally, my monthly Birchbox! A few months ago I signed up for this subscription (you get 5 sample size beauty/body products each month).  It's only a flat fee of $10/month. I LOVE getting it each month! I've discovered lots of fun new products, which is perfect for me because I'm not really a "product" girl and would never be up on new things. Even though they're all trial size I feel like they last pretty long. There are things like mascara and face scrub that I haven't had to buy in a long time because my samples have been lasting! I think this would be such a fun gift to ask for Christmas or to give to someone because it's such a treat in your mail each month!


Daveana said...

I am in love with high rise jeans, the pair I own just wore out, so I've been making do with an older pair of jeans and boy did I forget how obnoxious it was to hitch them up all the time. When you find a good jean, you just have to invest in it. I think it's hard to find a jean that works perfectly for ones body.

sarah.flyingkites said...

I love posts like these - so fun!

My body type can't do high-rise jeans :( and not only because I'm pregnant :) :)

leah said...

oh this is super fun post! i love hearing what other people are loving! that birchbox sounds SO fun! i always stand at the product shelves forever and never know what to get...

Heather Hoerr said...

I love those jeans from Madewell! I haven't bought a pair yet, but tried them on the other day so I would know if I liked the fit.... was waiting until I "needed" them a little more to buy. :) fun to know about the costco socks! I'm there all the time and haven't noticed those... or maybe they aren't around anymore?