December 2016

Well, our city is a mess of ice today. Devin's work Christmas party was canceled for tonight, so we're settling in for a weekend at home. The house happens to be very clean and in great order right now, which always makes me happier to be home. Here are some glimpses into daily life lately...

Ira had ear tubes put in early Monday morning, right after Thanksgiving weekend. He had chronic ear infections, like Henrik, but also failed his hearing test and it was clear tubes needed to happen. I was happy to do it if it means fewer trips to the doctor this winter and no more antibiotics. I'm sure to anyone who has a severely ill child, they do not think hospital gowns are cute, but for one morning, I thought so.

We traded our SUV in for a minivan. I love it. I mean, when I'm out by myself running errands I can feel a little dorky in a minivan, but that feeling is quickly outweighed by the perks. Seriously, this thing feels like a spaceship. Maybe all newer vehicles are like this now, but I am in awe of all the features. Anyway, I love it and this was the first time in my life that I was able to choose the color of the exterior and interior of my vehicle, so that was fun. Henrik is of course very excited about the DVD player and is still much entertained by opening and closing his door with a button.

We braved the cold one evening with some friends and went to Christmas at the zoo. It was fun and festive and the boys really enjoyed it. After a couple hours we were definitely all getting too cold and ready to leave. On the way out we got stuck in a parking lot traffic jam and that was stressful enough that it almost outweighed the zoo fun, but overall it was a positive experience. We had some up close and personal encounters with the orangutans and got to see the huge bears roaming around their exhibit in the dark. Those were my favorite things of the evening. Oh and there were a couple dressed up carolers singing Christmas carols per the requests of children. Henrik requested Jesus Loves Me and shockingly they obliged, even though they sang it much more quietly than their other songs. :)

Lots of normal at-home days happening. I'm doing lots of Christmas baking and prep. The boys are driving me crazy asking for snacks and shows all day. But overall we're in a really fun season. The boys continue to become better buddies and have a lot of fun together. They've especially enjoyed playing in the snow together. I end up having to force them to come inside because it's so cold but they'd stay out there all day. Henrik pulls Ira around on the sled which is about the cutest thing ever. 

Last evening was Devin's work Christmas party for the kids of employees. They really went all out and had such a fun party for the kids. Lots of bounce house / inflatable things to go crazy on, Chick-fil-a for dinner, and then Santa and Mrs Clause showed up to read a story and pass out presents to each kid. Henrik's present was a paw patrol toy, which happens to be something he's crazy about lately (the show) so he was absolutely elated when he realized he had his very paw patrol toys. 

One of my goals last month was to create more of a sacred space for my quiet time. I usually go downstairs first thing in the morning and sit in the living room next to the kitchen. I was finding this was distracting because it's right next to the command center (so to speak) of my house. It was easy for me to start making lists for the day, see dirty countertops from the night before, and not have the peaceful time I needed. I've heard people talk a lot about creating more of a private, sacred space for prayers, etc, so since our bedroom is pretty large with unused space, I moved an arm chair up and created my own little corner. I'm really loving it. Now my next thing is to figure out how to make coffee in my room so I don't have to go downstairs at all when I first wake up. 


Betsy said...

Love all of this, Em! I'm curious what sorts of things you bake for Christmastime, and wondering if a Nespresso machine might be a good gift for Devin to have under the tree for you this year??

Daveana said...

A coffee maker in your room sounds wonderful!

leah said...

oh i love this post, so many neat moments and memories. your boys are just too much - love the picture of them at the zoo and the thought of henrik pulling ira in the snow. :)

sarah.flyingkites said...

congrats on the van and quiet space for your devotions -- looks cozy!

And my kiddos love Paw Patrol at almost-9 and 6! For some reason, I really like it too! :)