Of late...

Egg/Bagel sandwiches have been a favorite of mine recently. They always remind me of my sister Sara. I think she lived on these in high school.
Trying my hand at baking a whole chicken. It turned out fine, but not worth it when you can buy a rotisserie chicken for 90 cents more and it's 90% less work.
my 13 week baby bump. Yes it's there...and yes I'm missing my flat stomach.
Zucchini pizza! A favorite from growing up when mom was using up her plethora of garden zucchini. So delicious! It was fun to get garden zucchini from her and make it for Dev.
Getting some pictures with my love before Troy's wedding. We always tend to like the serious ones the best...:) Also, this picture is making me a little sad. I think I'm regretting my recent haircut. I knew that would happen.
New back yard at our new house! This angle doesn't show the whole thing...but it's really fun with a huge shade tree and multi-level.
Devin enjoying a summer eve on the patio with a book and some wine. I miss wine.
Getting some practice with one of his cousin's twins. He was soon scared off by the baby's hiccups. :)


smw said...

fun post. can't wait to see the haircut! :)

Linda said...

Enjoyed the picture update. Never heard of baking a chicken with a whole lemon...interesting. I know what you mean- rotisserie chickens are great! The pizza looks great too...and so does your "bump" :)

Molly said...

What a great post! Thanks for posting all the pictures. Love Dev holding that baby:)...and your back yard!

sarah.flyingkites said...

fun update! Love your back yard! And yes so the new haircut!

Sara Huber said...

Fun post...and yes, I did love my bagel sandwiches back in the day! I think the love started after experiencing The Bagel Bin in Philly with Nick & Suzanne. :)

Daveana said...

BAHAHA! Love this! I'm sure your hair will grow back quick, specially with all those vitamins you supposedly have to take when pregnant. Liked all the little things you miss! ;) You look adorable!

leah said...

oh i love this update! how fun! i think your hair is cute, that devin is going to be a rock-star dad, and i can't wait to see your new place!!!

and i agree that flat stomach or not, you are adorable. as always :)

Jacki said...

Congratulations, Emily!! Have i said that to you? i feel like i have told you, but maybe it was when i first heard it from Christen, i felt like i had talked to you---or when your Mom and i talked about Rach and you sharing nauseous moments :-) If i haven't told you and Devin, we're excited for you!

Christen Leigh said...

Fun post! You make a cute pregnant lady. :)

L, Ann and boys said...

Awwww-thanks for the picture updates. =)