
Also known as 'the pops'.

When we first found out I was pregnant, the baby was the size of a poppyseed and so Devin soon began referring to the baby as 'Popperton'. Well today we saw the pops for the first time! As expected, I was definitely ahead of my calendar due date and the baby is measuring at about 13 weeks and 2 days.

Due date: January 13

Current size: peach

I know, I know these ultrasound photos are the worst. I can never figure out why people show these. Let's be honest, this photo is only interesting to the parents and maybe grandparents. But I'm posting it anyways because I'm a little giddy after 'meeting' my baby. What in the world?! This thing already has defined limbs and features. Devin claims he can already see a resemblance to himself (I think he was joking). :)

So there he/she is...meet Popperton. (don't worry, we're not actually naming our baby Popperton)


Jill said...

So exciting!! And I like seeing the ultrasound picture even though I'm not the parent or grandparent ;)

leah said...

i love it! :) most of all--i love your giddiness!


Kim said...

Doesn't it kinda change everything after getting the ultrasound?!

Sara Huber said...

Aunts think ultrasound pictures are cute too. Can't wait to meet the little Pops!

L, Ann and boys said...

Oh yes...definite resemblance to Devin. ;)
I like pictures from ultra sounds but...I cried when I heard Noah's heartbeat at the first early apt (and I'm not a super emotional person as a side note). I was so stressed about the whole thing...but when I heard that little swishy sound, it became about another person, not my problems and I was a lot more calm after that. Love that part of kids. It's amazing.

Ashley Neuen said...

Wow! How exciting, I think I can make out some of the body parts :)
What a little peach :)

Molly said...

I like your thoughts, Ann. So true.

Really, really excited to see the baby:).

laura said...

Excited for you! God is good! :)

Linda said...

I think Popperton is a nice name... and I'm very excited!

sarah.flyingkites said...

Popperton is cute :)

Emitt was born in January, Otto in June. I'd take January ANY day! For what it's worth :)

Betsy said...

Hooray! Pops makes his/her debut on the blog! I am not surprised that you're further along than expected - thanks for posting!

smw said...

so fun. it's really such a cool time. in later ultrasounds, i really did think there were features that looked familiar. :) but maybe i'm crazy. :)

popperton/pops is a pretty cute nickname. :)

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! I must be in that grandparent category because I loved "meeting" Popperton! What a miracle!!

Brenda Wieland

Yayyyyy! I figured out how to post a comment.

Daveana said...

I like Popperton. Thanks for sharing! :)

dan and tess said...

Yay! Congrats!

Unknown said...

Em... I haven't visited your blog for a while. I love all the new pics, and the window into your life. I love the name "popperton"... reminds me of "poppy" from a favorite book "City of Ember." P.S... I don't regret your recent haircut if that helps!