My pregnancy journal thus far...(this is lots of detail, but I've learned that I forget these things SO quickly!)
While we were not trying to get pregnant, it wasn't really a huge surprise.
My early symptoms start pretty much 24 hours after conception which might sound crazy, but I start to feel the occasional weirdness in my chest. With Ira, I remember feeling the implantation cramping, but didn't this time. But I was super tired around implantation and went to bed at like 8:30 for a few nights in a row which was when Devin believed me that I was pretty sure I was pregnant.

I already started feeling some nausea at week 4, which was different than previous pregnancies. Weeks 4 and 5 were hit and miss with feeling sick. Each day was different. Some days I had normal energy and about every third day it looked hard to walk up stairs or go anywhere. By the start of week 6 I was feeling really gross the majority of the day. While still super excited about the baby, I started to have days where I was like "oh yeah, this is why being pregnant sucks".
Weeks 6 and 7 were all-day nausea everyday. Pretty normal energy though, which was nice. At the end of week 7 I had some cramping and weird pains, which was exactly what I had around that time with Ira so I was glad to remember back and know it was normal. Week 8 I started to have some sick breaks for a few hours here and there when I felt fine, but then the nausea would come back in full force.
I had my first OB appt on the 18th. It was fun to the see the baby and hear the beating heart. The baby measured 8 weeks, 2 days. I'm back at Dr. Stroud's practice which I love, but unfortunately the birthing center they're building won't be ready for this birth, so now I need to decide if I want to stay with them and deliver in the hospital or go for a homebirth. I really had hoped to avoid the hospital stay this time around so we are meeting with a homebirth midwife soon to get some questions answered before we make a decision.
With the nausea I have been pretty picky about what food does or doesn't sound good. For some reason the smell of garlic is one of the worst things for me, which is usually a smell I love. But I cannot cook with garlic right now or I will feel terrible. Carrots gross me out. Thankfully I can still handle a cup of coffee in the morning. I've been wanting romaine lettuce salads with poppyseed dressing. Mostly I want savory food, dessert doesn't sound very good which is how I was with Ira the whole pregnancy. I've been indulging in sugary cereal, something I tend to do in pregnancy. Fried or greasy foods do not settle well and tend to make me feel really bad.
Pregnancy splurge...cereal I would never give to my kids. :)
I think I took this around week 5. I wanted a "before" pic so that when I'm a couple months postpartum I can look back to reassure myself that someday I'll look normal again. By week 8 my jeans weren't wanting to button which kind of freaked me out, but friends assured me that the third time around they popped out so much faster.
Yay!! I've been waiting for this post! So interesting to see the test sticks darken with each day. And that picture of the boys is an all time favorite:)
So excited for you guys! I know you were debating the third kid :)
Hope you get feeling normal. I totally had the garlic thing with at least one of the older boys but didn't with Oliver.. and for sure, you have to eat what sounds good!
I'm still in the stage where I'm waiting to get back to my postpartum body, but I'm thankfully able to be more patient with it this time around... I know I'll get there eventually! when you're big and pregnant, you'll look at that pic and think "wow, was I really that skinny before I got pregnant?!" ;)
haha.. ok, just read that again and I'm definitely got trying to get back to my postpartum body!! my pre-baby body :)
Congratulations!!! Hope you start feeling better soon. My last 2 pregnancies I had all day/night sickness so I feel for you.
Awesome. Congratulations!!!
I'm so excited for you guys!!! I enjoyed your journal!
Congrats again!!
Isn't pregnancy the weirdest thing?! It brings out the funniest symptoms. Hope you are feeling better and can enjoy the next months!
Such a fun post Em! And I'll be sure to have Capn Crunch readily available for your boys when you visit!! ;0)
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