Florida 2017


We spent 8 days in Jensen Beach, Florida with Devin's parents and grandpa. It was warm and sunny and beautiful and we all thoroughly enjoyed it. We opted to drive this year and go through the night. I was definitely apprehensive about how it would play out but both drives through the night went incredibly smooth and the boys slept well. Really thankful for that.

Our first photo after arriving and changing into our warm weather clothes...

Each day our routine would basically be beach, back to the house for lunch and naps, pool time, happy hour, dinner out or at the house, evening hanging out and bedtime. Some days we got really crazy and did the pool in the morning and then stayed at the beach until the latest hours of the afternoon. :)

We mostly went to the beach right across the street from the house but one day ventured 15 minutes up the island to Bathtub Reef which was a beautiful and fun day.

Devin's dad was great at bringing a shovel to the beach and creating a fun tunnel or hole or fort for the boys. They loved it. And one day we caught a crab which provided much entertainment. 

Sweet Ira Stephen turned 2 while we were in Florida. We had a fun day celebrating with donuts, a children's museum, and ice cream cake in the evening. He was happy to let everyone know he was two.

A random shot of Henrik with his "new friend Vicki" in the pool. Classic Henrik to find an adult he likes, charm them into being his friend and playing with him in the pool. His ability to make people feel loved is one of his best qualities.

I am sad to report that I very much failed to document some fun dates that Devin and I had thanks to his parents keeping the boys. One lunch date and one evening. Both times we went about 15 minutes away to "old town" Stuart, Florida. Which has some very quaint brick streets and buildings a definite French feel combined with coastal town. I really like it there. The one photo I did get (above) was our appetizer at this quaint little Oyster Bar we ate at. 

We laughed a lot this afternoon when we realized how similar Devin and his dad looked. Like father like son, I guess. 

Ira very proudly ran up to me holding my favorite lipstick with a very red mouth...."hey mom, your ipstick", he said.

On our last morning before we left we let the boys hit the pool for an hour before taking off around 1PM. Poor Ira was pretty worn out, probably due to getting up around 5 most days of vacation, which was less than ideal for all of us.

I took this picture about in the middle of the night when we were doing a quick stop to switch drivers. So sweet. They really were great little travelers. We made so many great memories on this trip!


Linda said...

What a great recap of your week. It looks wonderful!
Great idea to dig holes and tunnels for the boys to play in and I love the fire engine picture!

Sara Huber said...

All these pictures are so great. So glad you had such a wonderful week! I almost do a double-take in some of the pics of Ira and how big he is!!

Betsy said...

I agree with Sara in Ira's all-of-a-sudden bigness. I can hardly believe he's 2! What a wonderful trip it looks like you all had, and I'm so thankful the car trips went so smoothly!

leah said...

this is so sweet. thankful for the family memories you created -- and that the drives went so well!

sandra said...

I hadn't even read the comment and saw the picture of devin and his dad and said to myself "ha they are wearing the same thing". Looks fun and can't wait for our turn over spring break.

sarah.flyingkites said...

This seriously looks like the perfect vacation -- I love FL. I can't get over how well your cute little guys SMILE for a picture -- so precious!