May 2016

May was full of really fun things like meeting friends at the children's museum, playing outside with neighbors, going to the park and then the pool towards the end of the month when it opened. We're exhausted at the end of most days, but loving it.

Ira started walking at the beginning of the month and saying a few different words! He's suddenly seeming so grown up and he wants everything his brother has which has been interesting. He's smiling constantly and much friendlier to strangers. He even goes in the nursery at church without screaming his head off, which is a miracle! 

Henrik has been getting pretty engrossed in his toys and being outside. I definitely used to wonder if he would ever play well on his own and now he hardly wants to stop playing. He had his first dentist appointment and did awesome. He acted like it was a routine thing and it was so logical that someone needed to stick tools in his mouth. And of course he enjoyed chatting with the hygienist and filling her in on the ant problem we're having at home.

I think this is going to be a great summer, especially because the last couple of summers haven't been great. Two summers ago I was in the first trimester and sick and exhausted. Last summer was all about moving which changed a lot of vacation plans, etc. and along with moving I was dealing with postpartum/hormone issues and some other heavy stuff. So, now...
I'm not pregnant. I'm not tied to a baby 24/7. I'm not packing up my house. I'm not navigating a new city. The boys have the same nap schedule (mostly) and they're playing well. And really they're fairly easy/fun to take places. All these things are making me realize that this is our summer to really capitalize on the stage we're in and enjoy it!

14 months

Having lunch with Samuel and Addison at the Children's Museum. So fun to be with Kim!

Mother's Day

Ira isn't entertained by most of the shows Henrik watches, but I found out he'll sit through part of a really obnoxious kid's song show on Netflix. I love how they're both holding their blanks in the exact same spot/way.

"Mom, look, I'm being nice to Ira" 

Fiona's birthday party!

First dental visit.

First time at the pool this season!

Henrik gets the occasional juice box which Ira figured out is a fun thing. So now Ira gets the occasional juice box as well.


Linda said...

I'm always happy to see a post from you.:) Nice recap of the month and I'm glad that your summer is looking less stressful in many ways!

leah said...

love seeing pictures of your boys! thankful you have a great summer ahead of you!

sarah.flyingkites said...

Adorable. And I'll love the way u write!

Daveana said...

Hope the rest of your summer is as fun as the first part has been!!

T and M said...

Oh my heart that pic of henrik at the dentist is adorable!