A Bad Week

To say I'm glad it's Friday would be a huge understatement. Saying this wasn't the greatest week would also be an understatement.

I missed a lot of work this week because of a hospital stay for my dad and Henrik needing to go to the doctor. It's a not a great time for that seeing as I'm trying to cram a lot of things in right now so that I can be done at the end of the year.

Overall I'd say I was "off" this week emotionally and just super tired all the time. Ask Devin, it was fun. ;) The weather was dreary, which never helps my mood. Henrik was coughing like crazy which made me anxious and made him wired and not able to sleep. Monday felt like Wednesday which means by the time we got to Wednesday I was thinking the week would never end. It was just one of those weeks.

I've been trying to counter my negativity with thankfulness. It hasn't worked that well if I'm being honest. Do you ever just kind of want to be in a crappy mood? So, as I say good riddance to this week and look forward to a really low-key weekend. Here are some things I'm thankful for.

- Access to quality medical care. Both for my dad and for Henrik. This is so easy for me to take for granted.
- Devin. He's so helpful. He's so steady.
- My discipleship group. Every Monday night I meet with women from my church and I'm always SO blessed by our time together.
- Our home. On cold, dreary weeks I have a cozy place to be with my boys.
- The ability to go buy the groceries we need and want to make nutritious food.
- For a friend who has been so great to help me navigate through some new challenges.
- For my darling Henrik boy who gives me purpose and so much joy every day just by flashing his one-tooth grin.

Happy weekend!


Klint & Sarah said...

i'm smiled at the comment you made about just wanting to stay in a crappy mood. Ha! I can totally relate!

Hope the weekend is refreshing & you are able to regroup for next week!

Sara Huber said...

Hope you have a great and relaxing weekend! love ya!

Ashley Neuen said...

Boo on weeks like that! Hope you can relax and recuperate this weekend!

leah said...

boo, i hear ya. it's been one of those weeks here too! love your list of thankfulness!

have a great low key weekend!

L, Ann and boys said...

hearing you girl. :) I just started taking vit D…a lot of it. ;) These grey skylines day after day are not my thing. But olive oil in my shake (and sometimes raw eggs-gasp!)…humidifiers in my room…and I'm still kicking. ;) I wish you a much better week next week. The bad ones just need to be left behind as you fly forward. :)

and I wanted your address for a Christmas card :D I'm crazy for christmas cards. schafera at gmail dot com

Christen Leigh said...

Bummer! I hope you had a relaxing and uplifting weekend! Bad weeks are the worst.