End of October...

Sunset behind our house.

Can't say I mind benefiting from the labor of the previous home owner.
Fall Favorite
Handsome boy and his wife who is so sick of being pregnant. But life goes on...happy weekend!


Sara Huber said...

cute couple! enjoy your weekend!

Tami said...

So fun!! And your hair is so long again!! When did that happen?! You two are quite the lookers. :)

Betsy said...

Love the mums! And the mum-to-be!

Jill said...

Those flowers are gorgeous! And the coffee sounds delicious.

leah said...

aw, that's a really sweet picture of you two! :)
have a great weekend!

Molly said...

Love that picture!! All of them:) And Betsy's comment...:)

Christen Leigh said...

Such a cute picture of you two! :)

Daveana said...

You guys are darling!!!

Laura said...

Isn't fall great! You are darling!