We bought a house!

Last week on Wednesday we looked at this house for the first time and liked it.

Then two days later looked again, got some more details, and started to think this house might be too good to pass up.

Saturday morning, just 3 days after looking at the house for the first time, we both just really agreed it was the perfect first home for our family. We love the location, and despite a couple quirky things, the house is just what we were looking for. Not to mention we were informed that even though it had only been on the market for a week, it had been showed at least 8 times, with someone else looking a second time like us. This house was not going to last long.

The seller's realtor agreed to look at an offer from us despite our loan approval not having gone through yet (we weren't expecting for things to move this fast). I think it helped our realtor (cousin) knew us well and could promise them we'd get approved.

Saturday afternoon we offered.

Sunday afternoon they counter offered.

And Sunday evening we accepted their counter offer.

Now we're good on the loan approval (thankful for good credit and no debt) and signed our life away on those papers last evening. Inspection is next week, and then appraisal and if all goes well we'll be home owners on August 10!

Apparently we just do everything really fast around here...

(I know, I know...you want a picture. I just don't feel comfortable doing that on a public blog. Inside pics to come once we have it - my design wheels are already turning fast!)


Daveana said...

Congratulations! Glad you guys found a house! :) Maybe I'll see this house in person! ;)

leah said...

yipee! haha...and yes, things do move fast for you guys!

can't wait to see it!

sarah.flyingkites said...

CONGRATS!!! I got some of the details from Leah - sounds like a lot of character!

Good luck decorating - it's going to look great!


J Gutwein said...

Congratulations on baby & home :)!!

Sandra said...

oh exciting!! new house, new baby...you guys are fast:).
Look forward to inside photos soon!

Betsy said...

Wow, seeing the timeline makes me realize that DID move fast! Congrats and I think it looks perfect for you all!

smw said...

SO exciting! Congrats!! Can't wait to see pics!

L, Ann and boys said...

yay! I loved moving into a house after being in an apartment for a while. SO fun. Enjoy.


Christen Leigh said...

Excited to see your new place! So fun to see you he other night--it had been too long! :)

Ashley Neuen said...

So exciting! Congrats to you both!

Tami said...

Soooo good to see you this weekend!! And congratulations on the house!! I'm super excited to see inside pictures :) and your decorating style! I have a feeling I'll love it. So, I just spent the past half hour reading through all your posts! I've been out of the blogging world for a while, and noticed that I would have seen the baby announcement here!! Ahhh! you already know I'm super excited for you two...and me, 'cause I fully intent to become friends with that little one. :)