
I'm not a huge fish lover (except for the raw stuff-yum), but Dev asked if I would start making fish sometimes for dinner. So, being the good wife that I am, I obliged.

I found this recipe for Broiled Parmesan Tilapia. Oh my goodness, so good! Even I can eat cooked fish like this. I made it with roasted red potatoes (in olive oil, salt, pepper, fresh rosemary) with corn on the cob and a mixed greens, poppyseed salad on the side to get our veggies in (salad not pictured).

I think the key to the tilapia was the abundance of fresh lemon juice (as in, squeezed straight from the lemon). It really added awesome flavor.

There's something very satisfying about putting together a meal like this. Feels like the olden days or something. :) Since most of the time I'm doing some sort of Thai dish.


Sandra said...

we love fish....so I just printed this off and plan to try it sometime. I actually have tilapia in my freezer right now.


sarah.flyingkites said...

this looks DELICIOUS!!

Daveana said...

Look at you being all industrious! Love it! (I'm also a giant fan of squeezing lemon on fish!)

Sara Huber said...

I think I actually made this very same recipe a few years ago and forgot about it even though we really liked it too! I'll have to try it again! miss you a lot! :(

leah said...

this looks yummo! and we had corn on the cob last week too--love this time of year! :)