
Our plans have been rerouted a bit...we're officially in the market to buy a house! Which is fun, but a little stressful. We were planning to stay in our apartment until the end of May 2013, but found an area of houses we love so decided to pursue getting one. Which means we're also hoping to find a sub-leaser to avoid a hefty charge for breaking our lease (if you know of someone, send them our way!).

I was wrong about our city. There are areas that have cute, old houses with character and in a neighborhood where you feel safe. I stand corrected from my previous complaint that there was no such area here. Just to give you an idea...

There are fun streets like this...with adorable two story houses, original wood floors, crown molding, you get the idea...

There are quaint houses like this one with great front porches and awesome back yards. Keeping with the wood floors and cute little swinging doors that go from room to room.

And then...there are absolutely adorable (very old) places like this. At first glance you fall in love. Then you see the inside and decide it would never be worth it. This poor thing was not well taken care all.

So what's the rush on getting a house? Why would we re-sign our lease knowing we wanted to move? Well, we actually really love our apartment. The complex has awesome perks (like free golf) and we love calling maintenance people to fix stuff. It's great. We really were quite content to stay here for awhile. The problem: we live in a one bedroom apartment and with our very unexpected, definitely not planned, why is this happening to us, baby on the way (due in January)...we decided we might be wanting some more space. :)

More baby details to come...but I will say, our mourning turned in to acceptance, which is slowly but surely turning into excitement. God's ways are higher than ours and we are trusting that His plan is much better than the one we had.

Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them. Psalm 139:16


Joy said...

Wow! Congrats! Being a mom is great!

Molly said...

Much joy and excitement from the aunt realm!:) Great-looking houses! Can't wait to see them in real life.

Linda said...

Joy and excitement in the grandma realm too :) Loved seeing the house pictures!

Blaine said...

We are so excited for you...and for us! You will look back on this in the years to come and say "I would never change a thing!" Babies are like that. Can't wait! You and Devin will be wonderful parents.

Janice said...

Happy for you. Pray all goes well

Jonny G. said...

What!? I was completely caught by surprise! Congratulations! Whew, talk about a lot to get used to! Happy house hunting!

Sandra said...

OH.MY.WORD.....I was just reading along and then I found myself reading faster and faster adn then I just kind of skipped a few sentences because I was wondering where you were going with this and then I saw the word baby with a date of january next to it and I screamed with delight!!!! I am beyond excited for you and I totally totally know where you are coming from with the feelings you are having. Nick adn I were 6 months into our marriage and I was on birth control(maybe TMI??) but surprise we were pregnant!! Scared, fearful of the uncertain, young and not ready for kids, newly married...then it became exciting and joyful adn then the baby arrives and like Blaine said "you never would change a thing"!! SO TRUE!! CONGRATS!!!!!

Ashton said...

Oh my word! I'm so happy for you guys. Definitely let yourself be excited...Babies are incredible and such a gift that you won't regret.

Happy house hunting too!

Jill said...

Oh wow...I was totally surprised at the end of your post!! I would have definitely had the same feelings that you are probably having if I had gotten pregnant right at the beginning of our marriage...however, all I can say is that being a parent is just so awesome and rewarding. I'm sure you will be a great mom. I'll be praying for you the next few months...being pregnant can be sort of trying :) But SO worth it. Congratulations. By the time your baby gets here, I'm sure your excitement will be outweighing all other emotions :)

leah said...

wow! even though i knew about this--i didn't see it coming until the end of the post! very tricky!

so so thrilled for you and are loving these houses! and as you are getting more excited about this little one, i am too!

love you friend--you are going to be a rock-star mom! :)

Amber said...

Congrats to you two!! How exciting!! Hope your feeling well....and happy house hunting :)

leah said...

oh and i laughed out loud at your blog tweet about harses harses harses :D

Rachel said...

Oh wow! Congrats...and can I just say that you are going to be one cute pregnant lady! Happy for you guys:)

L, Ann and boys said...

woooooooow! You can't wait until you are ready is my's impossible to be totally ready. ;) I have a vivid memory of crying over the first test I ever took- which showed two lines. I had to get the directions out to double check I was so in shock and new to it all. Not that I didn't know it was possible-but three months into our marriage working at not getting pregnant-it seemed a little crazy. Now I think of life without Noah and it almost makes me cry. Glad God is sending a little one your way because, as others have's incredible. And you guys will be incredible parents I'm sure.



Rebekah said...

wow wow wow!! Didn't see that coming!! But so excited for you!! congratulations!!

Hope you find a house you can love and bring your new baby home to!

Amber said...

Loved the subtleness of it all : ).

I so agreed with the comment that you're never "fully" ready . . .so maybe this was God's way of letting you not having to worry about the "perfect" when and letting Him build the joy for now. And I agree - you'll make a rock star mom . . .I can see you now. BOTH of you in your adorableness. And for the record, I think you'll be a beautiful pregnant momma to be.

So as many transitions lie in front of you, I'll be praying for peace, faith with the unknowns and an excitement for what God has yet in store. And enjoy house hunting. Once you commit to it, there is something SO neat about hunting for that first home and all the possibilities.

Congrats on it all!!

teresa said...

Rejoicing with you. You're going to love being parents.

Julie said...

Sara told me you had posted this:) For those of us who have experienced the "this is way earlier than we intended to have a baby" shock:):)--I can promise you that you will look back and see God's timing as the sweetest gift. Kids are a huge delight and you will love Devin even more when you watch him interacting with your children!! Congrats to you both!!!

sarah.flyingkites said...

shocked!!! Oh my goodness!! A HUGE congratulations to both of you. Will be excited to hear more!


bri said...

whoa!! Congratulations :)

Michelle Wieland said...

So Cool!
We love babies- Congratulations!

Daveana said...

GAH!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS!!! What a bummer about the third house. It looks super cute! Hoping you guys find something! :)

Christen Leigh said...

Hehehehe fun way to announce!! :) so excited that you're getting excited!! :) I'm excited to see what house you get!

Heather Hoerr said...

aw.. congrats Em, even if it was a little unexpected. yes, it's an adjustment and lots of work, but as everyone has said, you'll love your little baby so much you won't be able to picture what life would have been like without it! hope pregnancy is going good for you!

Daish said...

I just feel so excited about you joining me in this stage of life. :) Love ya tons, Em.