The tale of weekend travel...

A delicious brunch.
A talented niece.
A friendly frozen yogurt partner.
A contented boy watching a train while eating his second donut of the morning.

And finally, a story of a married couple shopping on their one month anniversary...

They went to HomeGoods in search of a kitchen cart and a door mat, and while they didn't have any luck...they each found something else they wanted to purchase.

The girl fell in love with this cake stand, to which the boy remarked (a bit baffled), "That's really what you want?'re so unpredictable."

The boy insisted on a shower mat. And even though the girl couldn't figure out why, out of all the things in the store, he would choose this...she shrugged her shoulders and said "sure, why not?"


L, Ann and boys said...

heeehee-love the homegoods recount. Boys and their hot showers-I'm assuming the shower mat makes the spa experience that much more comfortable. =) Love the cake stand. I bought mine on vacation a long time ago-when you find it, you find it.

Betsy said...

Love the tales from the wknd, and so fun to see a picture of Kaiti all dressed up (and with roses!!). Looks like great fun. And very classy cake stand...mine broke on the move over here :(

leah said...

love the weekend recap! how fun!

and what an awesome cakestand! seriously....can't go wrong with homegoods :)

sarah.flyingkites said...

So fun! LOVE the cake stand!!

Linda said...

Fun pics Em- and I too love the cake stand. :) And the "unpredictable part is common I think...just when you think you have them figured out.

Daveana said...

Umm... Cakestand...SO gorgeous! I love your story! So fun!