for the record...

a couple weeks ago i made the following statement in a post...

"this always reminds me of how pure and righteous Christ's judgment will be because he can see our heart, our motives. (because trust heart is ALWAYS pure and clean)."

in regard to the part in me, the fact that it was DRIPPING with SARCASM was obvious. apparently, this may not have been the case. so this is me, clarifying that it was, indeed, a sarcastic comment.

i guess i assumed that anyone reading my blog knows that at least a third of what comes out of my mouth tends to be sarcastic, but to save myself from looking like a self-righteous ________, thought i would clear that up. :)


leah said...

oh man..hahaha.

can't wait to hear this story...

Christen Leigh said...

a self righteous what?

Christen Leigh said...


Molly said...

Christen's comment plus her face in her picture make a funny combo!:)

Thanks for clearing this up, Em; I've been struggling for weeks;).

Love you!

Tricky said...

hmm....makes me wonder too Leah :)

L, Ann and boys said...

I'm crushed...I really believed you were perfect after reading that...=) hee hee


Daveana said...

I have to admit, I TOTALLY thought you meant what you said. And I thought man Em- you sound a little self-righteous.

Man, I guess sarcasm is harder to come across in text than I thought. ;0)

I'm with Tricky & Leah