holiday in review...

so i'm realizing i'm just not a huge fan of the christmas season. i really don't enjoy christmas all. i inevitably gain weight. and from 'black friday' shopping to last minute deals, the commercialism gets so old and i think making such a huge deal out of christmas is another way people try to create happiness that doesn't last. so there's my soap box for the day...BUT...we did have a great christmas here in my family...

the nieces and nephews were excited and crazy as usual.

sister time was amazing, especially with sara who was around for 5 days.

since i've been home for a week and a half now, sitting by the christmas tree in the morning with my coffee, or in the evening with my journal, has been enjoyable and relaxing.

spending time with cousins i'm not with a lot...and of course getting as much time as possible with my beloved gma g.

and on top of all the christmas blessings...i was able to snag a Purdue snuggie in our gutwein grab bag gift exchange. it was quite the hit. :)

now the marathon continues...on to new year's eve with my friends and flying out for Passion on the first. i have to say, i think i'll be ready just to get back to leo and normal life.

 i am SUPER excited for Passion. a few days with some great friends, listening to amazing speakers, and worshiping in a packed arena with literally thousands of college students!

and since i'm sure i won't get another post in before 2010...happy new year! hopefully 2009 has been a good year for thought about 2009 you ask? i say good riddance.

i know...i'm so pleasant. first christmas, now the whole year.
so thanks to all of my beloved friends and family, for putting up with my cynical and pessimistic self. i doubt that'll change much in 2010.


Christen Leigh said...

That christmas tree looks kind of familiar....strange.

Long time no see! (like 15 minutes!)

Fun post, you scrooge! :)

Daveana said...

Happy New Year to You Em-

Hope you have a great time at Passion!