
my new nephew...clive denver
betsy & ryan became parents on september 26.
this makes 7 nephews and 3 nieces in our family. crazy!
a few years ago marlee, bella, & finn were all born in the same year. now this year we had 3 again. although a bit different this time with taye coming from ethiopia and clive being born in qatar. while seeing him over skype was great, i'm going to miss being able to hold this sweet little boy.
congratulations ryan and betsy, he's a keeper. :)


L, Ann and boys said...

Thanks for the picture! I hadn't heard, how exciting. I'm so glad everyone is well and little Clive Denver is here. =)

Jodi said...

Awww! He is so cute! It was fun hearing the news with you:)

leah said...

oh man....what a handsome little fellow!

Christen Leigh said...

Aw! Very sweet-- Congrats, Ryan and Betsy! :)

Sandra said...

AWWW, super adorable!! Congrats to Ryan and Betsy. Linda told me the great news on sunday when I told her about Joy and Jason. Wow sara.....you are an aunt twice in such a short time...HOW FUN!!! I can only imagine Em how hard it is to not hold him:(