3rd Trimester, 30th Birthday, 6th Anniversary


28 weeks pregnant! This is the time I allow myself to start planning and preparing for baby. Making a "before baby" list is on my to-do list this week. Some of it will be non-baby related and just house projects or random errands I want to get done before I have a newborn. Some of the items on the list will be things like getting out baby clothes/gear and getting his room ready, even though he probably won't use his room to sleep for several months. Mostly I'll just want to have things in really good order around here so I can feel peaceful about our environment before bringing in another human.

The other day I got super annoyed at Devin and snapped at him for absolutely nothing. Afterwards we both kind of looked at each other like "what was that?"...and my best answer was, it's the third trimester irritability. :) I'm definitely in a stage where I'm needing good sleep and it's better if I'm not on my feet all day long or I'll pay for it the next few days. Overall I still feel good, just lower energy, which always drives me nuts when I have a lot I want to do.

Also, I'm now in my 30s! My birthday week festivities were dampened substantially by influenza for me and the little boys. We made it through thanks to healthy Devin and tamiflu. It was not our best week though, let's say that. So my birthday felt like a...non-event. Which is kind of sad for 30, but Devin says we'll make up for it and go all out for 31. :) I did receive several really sweet and thoughtful cards and flowers and felt very loved by my people.

I have no issue with being 30. In fact, I had been feeling weird about being pregnant with my third kid and not being in my 30s yet. It just seemed time to close the 20s chapter of my life. And can I just say, how weird are your 20s? I mean, I started that decade as a very immature college student and finished it very much 'adulting' and doing the whole wife/mom thing. Lots of transition and new things. I'm thinking my 30s will be a little more stable, which actually sounds kind of nice.

Soon after I turned 30, our marriage turned 6. This past year was our best one yet I think. So far every year with Devin gets better. We communicate better and continue to make a great team. I have so much fun with him and am so glad to go through life with him...we're just a really good fit. 

My wonderful mother offered to come out and stay for a couple days to help me with some stuff post-flu, keep us company, and give us a great date night. Devin and I thoroughly enjoyed a night to ourselves. We ate really good food and laughed and had good conversation. You know it's a good date when it just leaves you wanting more! Thanks, mom!


T and M said...

I still remember bemoaning my approaching 30th birthday and a coworker saying something like "Mandy! You are going to love your 30's!!! It's when you realize who you are and live a little more confidently than your 20s" And she was so right, so I wish you the same!
Your comment about how to tell a good date is so true

L, Ann and boys said...

I agree...I've loved my 30s so far. I hope I feel healthy and happy going into my 40s too but heres's to saluting 30s for being those years you don't care as much about what everyone else thinks and what they are doing. :D

leah said...

happy all the things! welcome to the 30s!

Unknown said...

Yes! I've never thought about HOW much change generally (hopefully, ha! :)) happens in the 20s decade! It is crazy. I've been thinking about decades of life lately too as I look ahead to 40. Gulp.
love you!

sarah.flyingkites said...

I always get to the end of your posts and have no clue what I want to comment on. I love how you write and you make so many interesting observations about random things. Love it.

Happy 30th!!