January 2017

Some highlights of our month...

It started with some fun snow play, but that soon came to a halt with the weird semi-warm and wet weather. And no sun...don't get me started on the lack of sun around here.

We (Devin being the workhorse of the whole thing) decided to tackle putting up backslash in our kitchen. He did such a great job for it being a brand new thing to him. It looks so good! We didn't anticipate it looking so close to the color of our walls...so now I'm wondering about repainting the kitchen, but overall it improved the kitchen a ton!

I had a super fun girls day with Christen to celebrate our January birthdays. Love that girl.

Then the same weekend Dev and I had his rescheduled holiday party at work. It was SO fun. We had a great table for dinner and afterwards they brought a casino into the building and gave everyone fake money to play for awesome prizes. I had no clue what I was doing but by the end of the night actually had a handle on blackjack. I wasn't sure if I was going to want to stay for the post-dinner part of the night but it ended up being so much fun. 

We checked on Ira after the party and found this...

Also, the same, very busy weekend was a wedding shower for Lisa. It was a quick trip to run up to Leo for the morning, but so worth it, especially us four chatting for an hour post-shower. These girls are so great. Also, Chalise had her baby like a week after this picture was taken. Can you even believe how good she looks?!


Henrik turned 4 on the 20th and I turned 29 on the 23rd. 

Henrik's birthday...chocolate chip pancakes, playing at an indoor playground with a friend, getting all his hockey pads and helmet, ice skating, and pizza and cake. He adamantly requested a chocolate cake with strawberry frosting, so I delivered. Henrik is such a delightful kid to celebrate. Hoping to get a separate post up about what he's like as he turns four.

My parents were in town the weekend of our birthdays which was really fun. They came to Devin's hockey game along with Kevin's family and then we all went out for dinner. I love family dinners on Sundays, it's definitely the thing I miss most about being around family.

My birthday was a pretty dreary Monday, so it was low key, but Devin got me some special gifts and a beautiful orchid to brighten up my house. He always makes me feel very loved.

The boys had their 4/2 year-old pictures taken this past week. I went for the matching sweaters. I don't regret that decision. So sweet.

And finally, this bread! I'm so not a baker...but this no-knead bread was so incredibly easy and amazing! RECIPE HERE


leah said...

such a fun month, birthday months always are. :)

& thanks for the bread tip. that looks easy enough that even i could do it!

Linda said...

Glad to see you made that bread in your new pan- we did the same at Betsy's and they loved it too!
Always enjoy seeing these updates...I just have to smile every time I see that picture of Ira with Henrik (in the matching sweaters):)