Boy or Girl?

The theme of my final baby shower at my sister Sara's house. IT WAS SO FUN AND ADORABLE.

When you walked in you were greeted by this board where you chose a pin to wear based on your guess of the baby's gender. My sister Molly made all the pins and as you can see, they were the cutest!

 Girl votes wore cupcake pins.

Boy votes wore snail pins.

The result? 12 boy votes and 11 girl votes. For some reason I didn't take a pin and I guess I could pick girl and just even things right out. :) Even though I really don't have a guess - or a preference.

 Pink and blue mantle decor along with baby pictures of Devin and I. We really do not look anything alike, so who knows what this kid will look like!

The food?

 Yep - you guessed it. Boy AND girl themed. Gorgeous and delicious! I guess I shouldn't have been surprised...3 of my sisters and my cousin did all the planning and executing - I knew it would be cool. It was such a fun night! 

Events also included: cards filled out by each attendee guessing on the baby's looks, weight, arrival, hours of labor, etc, getting some good advice from a lot of awesome women, a poem performed by my sister Molly entitled Emily is using cloth diapers and other things that make you go 'hmmm' :), and the night ended with all these wonderful women circling up and praying over baby W and our family. Even a prayer read from my sister Betsy overseas. 

Oh and there were tons of great gifts that were useful and thoughtful. My mom made bedding and some curtains for Pop's room. Didn't she do great?! It's a shame the dust ruffle isn't more visible because it's my favorite part!

My cute younger cousins were kind enough to spend a Friday evening at a baby shower. They're so sweet! These types of events are always so humbling. Especially to see what a huge amount of love and support our child already has and he/she isn't even born! I know all too well this isn't the case for so many children.

Oh and finally - since Molly's poem at the shower made a joke about me wanting to learn to is my first sewing project!

I got to spend a day hanging out at home with my mom and work on a couple sewing projects. They were totally guided and somewhat executed by her, but I did the easy parts. :) In addition to these stockings, we also made a valance for my kitchen window - but it's not hung yet. Thanks mom!


sarah.flyingkites said...

Love this party idea - sooo cute!

Great stockings too!

leah said...

love the pictures of the party--how fun. :) can't wait for baby w! :)

Molly said...

Just read Psalm 78 this morning, "For He established a testimony in Israel...That they should teach them to their children, That the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born, that they may arise and tell them to their children, that they should put their confidence in God..."


Sandra said...

awesome baby shower!! Great job girls. Adorable stockings too.

Daveana said...

I love your stockings. Look at you all crafty! :) Makes me happy! Baby's room is looking so cute! Can't wait to meet Baby W.

Linda said...

Great pictures and recap :)

Christen Leigh said...

Cute cute cute to all!! :)

bri said...

everything is super cute! I was sad to have to miss that fun shower!

Sara Huber said...

Fun your fabric choices!

I have thought about the shower several times this week and how fun it was to have everyone here.

Laura said...

The room looks so cute with the bedding and curtains in! Love the fabric combo for the stockings!

Betsy said...

Just read your tweet. And you're right: Dev is basically AMAZING!! That would be a perfect welcome home present for any woman!