Our complex didn't allow grills for fire reasons...so needless to say, we are really thrilled to have grilled meal options on our weekly menu. Feels like the summer is just starting for us - we are grilling machines and eating every meal outside on either our front porch or back deck. Plus, just having to do a side or two while Dev does the meat is really great!
Also, I've been getting creative to use up scads of garden tomatoes from my mom...
I guess you know where this is headed... |
I could eat this salad at every meal! |
This summer I've been preferring different types of salads...cous cous, chickpea, caprese, cucumber, corn/black bean, etc. For some reason lettuce salads just feel a little boring lately.
This was Dev's plate...he's likes double protein. :) |
It's a poor photograph, I know. But here's our teriyaki grilled chicken from last night. It was grilled to perfection (good job, Dev!) and the salad and roasted carrots with parm were pretty amazing as well. It was one of those times where we just kept saying throughout the whole meal how good it was. If you haven't noticed, we're into quality food around the W household.
Good job on using up the tomatoes!! Looks wonderful - I love it when my girls get "domestic" :)
I saw that basil, motz, and tomato and thought you were going to show a picture of a sandwich that we have been making around here alot lately to use up tomatoes as well.
Thinly sliced french bread, with a mix of olive oil, parm cheese and garlic powder brushed onto outside of french bread. In center place,motz cheese, basil leaves, tomato, and sprinkle with balsamic vinegar topping it with more cheese if you like(place the cheese on top closest to bread to keep sandwich glued together). They are so good!
I might just go try this salad you made cause I know nick and I would love it.
that looks so yum! it makes me look forward to having a house someday (no grill allowed for us either).
oh yum. and i love those caprese salads, if you are ever in need of more basil...come by. my plant is ginormous.
look delicious!
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