
The number of months, as of today, that I've been married to my love.

So here's to us, and to the happiest 6 months a person could have...


Sandra said...

ADORABLE little tummy you have in the second picture:).

L, Ann and boys said...

=) This is random but, I always love your long hair in pictures. DON'T chop it toward the end of your pregnancy. I did for...I don't know, Christian I think. I woke up one morning and couldn't wait any longer to have the baby and you just wanted to do something. SO...I cut my hair-sad. Just schedule a cut after the baby is born so you aren't tempted. It's less work to have long hair with an newborn anyway...even if the baby grabs it all the time. ;) You guys are going to be really great parents. =)

Amber said...

Happy 6 month anniversary!

and yes, your baby bump is as cute as I imagined. : ) Enjoy this stage of pregnancy. I alway loved looking clearly pregnant (finally) but being at the point I could still be pretty active and just enjoy it!

Christen Leigh said...

What a sweet post! I love you two together. :) and I can hardly handle how cute you are pregnant! See you way too early tomorrow morning! ;)

Sara Huber said...

Very sweet. You guys have lots of cute pics together!

smw said...

Sweet and fun

Molly said...

This is great. Repeating my text from yesterday...my inspiration!:)

leah said...

Aww this is so sweet. We love you guys so much and are blessed to be your friends!

Betsy said...

These pics represent some pretty important events...happy half year!

Daveana said...

You guys have some of the cutest pictures! AH! Congratulations! For being just so cute! :)

Ashley Neuen said...

Congrats on the 6 months! Fun pics you have, keep enjoying!

sarah.flyingkites said...

aww, LOVE this post! Congrats!