With Gas

As with most places outside the U.S., in the middle east you buy a bottle of water at restaurants. Normally, you get a large bottle or two for the table. You can get everything from cheap, plastic bottled water up to the expensive Italian water in a fun glass bottle.

The common question if you order water is "sparking or still?" to which my dad would reply "with gas". Dad loves carbonated water and claims he picked up the saying "with gas" when we were in France some years ago. Every time he did this in Doha or the UAE the waiter would give him a confused look until he would smile and clarify "sparkling".

But, the point of this is...I now have a slight obsession with sparkling water. I had tried it a couple times in the past and wasn't impressed. But this past trip I started drinking some when dad would order it and now I'm hooked. Lately, instead of enjoying some sort of afternoon diet soda or coffee, I've been enjoying a can of this...

I pour it in a short cocktail glass to get the desired experience. For now I'm sticking to the pure, but might try some of the flavored if I start to get bored. Who knows, I might get really crazy and start adding a lime slice to my new drink of choice.


Klint & Sarah said...

hmmm, you've got me curious...

Sandra said...

yeah em, when nick and I went to France we had some "with gas" water and nick liked it, but me....I could barely get it down. I think I'll stick to the "still" :).

Betsy said...

How fun - I always like La Croix and a good Perrier if I'm feeling uppity.

Christen Leigh said...

Oh bleh! I am impressed you like carbonated or "with gas" water. I have yet to discover anything palpable about it.

Also, there is no way I could look someone straight in the face and ask for my water "with gas". That alone is a remarkable feat! :)

Daveana said...

I used to drink carbonated water. But I don't think I've ever drank it without flavor. Sounds interesting though.... and I agree with Christen, I don't think I could keep a straight face either... :)

Marcelle said...

Marsha is also hooked on La Croix - her preference is lemon and I have to have it in stock for when she stops by! Trader Joes also has great sparkling water.

emilykate said...

Marcelle, ironically I picked up some sparking water at Trader Joe's on Saturday. :)

leah said...

oh steve...i miss that crazy cat! :)

Marcelle said...

Em - you will love their sparkling water. Actually you will love anything you pick up at Trader Joes!