The One Monday Success


There's nothing like a little boy whining at my legs all day or refusing to eat anything healthy that can make me feel so defeated (and pissed, if we're being honest here). I convince myself he's the only almost-two-year-old that doesn't eat his dinner nicely at the table or that throws a fit when things don't go his way. I somehow even start blaming myself for his horrible ear infections. Logically, I know this isn't true, but unfortunately logic doesn't always win.

My Ann Voskamp Advent study today talked about idols, mentioning perfectionism and achieving and accomplishing and it so hit the nail for me today. I had such a nice little to-do list that I made before Henrik got up this morning. We were going to have such a productive, blissful day at home. I didn't handle the deviation very well. 

Parenting often feels ten times harder than anything I've ever done. College, jobs, whatever...parenting trumps it. But then by the end of the day, the cute little freshly bathed boy is snuggled up with his dad eating popcorn and watching hockey in his footie pajamas and I know that it's also the best thing that's ever happened to and my selfish ways.

Even if Henrik wouldn't eat it, my dinner creation was my big success of the day. I've wondered if I focus on food too much, but instead have realized it's a beautiful outlet God has given me to express creativity and make something beautiful that also benefits my family and others.
The kitchen is my happy place at 5:00. Chopping. Mincing. Sautéing. Grinding.  It brings me so much satisfaction to forego a recipe, grab ingredients out of my fridge, and see where it goes. Tonight I ended with a white bean stew and topped it with cast-iron charred balsamic brussel sprouts and bacon, goat cheese, and another drizzle of balsamic vinegar. 

So thanks dinner, you're the one thing that didn't make my day feel like a huge bust.


sarah.flyingkites said...

I can so relate to this post...except 5:00 is about my worst part of the day ;)

leah said...

thankful you have the kitchen as a energizing outlet! & here's to today being a new day!

Betsy said...

I've heard more than one person comment on the advent study by Ann V...sounds like something to pick up for next year. And I'm glad that while you're identifying some idols, you're also identifying a God-given outlet. And I'm gonna try brussel sprouts eventually. Really.

Heather Hoerr said...

Em, if Creighton takes more than one bite of his dinner and doesn't start wining to get out of his high chair before the rest of us have started eating, it's a successful night. :) And other than his morning smoothly, there aren't too many "healthy" things that go into his mouth.
I'm with you on the kitchen being your happy place.. and I would say one of my greatest satisfactions is making a yummy dinner with whatever is in my fridge - the creativity and usefulness of it all is the best feeling.

Heather Hoerr said...

haha... just read that and meant morning smoothie :)