March '18


We started the month getting out of town for a couple days. We headed to Indy for a couple nights at a hotel. Devin worked some at the office, the boys and I hung out at the pool and put our Children's Museum pass to good use. We visited some of our closest Indy friends and had an evening with my brother's family. It was a really fun and full couple days. The boys loved every minute of it. Good memories for us.

We tried to do a little staycation weekend without our kids. It sort of happened but then Ira got croup the first night at my parent's so it all was cut short. Life in the winter with young kids, I guess. One weekend I was gone for the BSF leader's retreat, which was exhausting for me at 34 weeks pregnant, but also really good. I got to room with Leah which was so fun to spend that extra time with her without our kids.

We made baby room progress and generally checked a lot off of my pre-baby to-do list, which is a great feeling. 

Ira is my faithful sidekick while Henrik is at school. He is such a fun kid to be with and hardly ever stops talking.

Henrik and I got to go 'mom's night' at preschool which was a really sweet time with him and fun to see him engage his friends and teachers. This kid will never be labeled as shy or introverted, that's for sure. He thrived on the time together and it was so good for me to just focus on him. 


Ending this month at almost 36 weeks! Which definitely feels like the home stretch. I'm pretty uncomfortable most days and overall the days can feel long and hard. This has been new for me. My previous pregnancies really haven't gotten too hard or uncomfortable until the week or two before delivery. I'll be really ready to be done with pregnancy, that's for sure. 

Pretty drastic side-by-side comparison. On the left is 4 weeks pregnant, right after getting a positive test. The right photo is 34 weeks. I'm glad I took that initial picture, because I'm definitely at the point where I'm convinced I'll never look/feel normal again. :) I also noticed how much healthier my hair looks on the right! So that's one perk I guess. 

35 weeks. I wear a lot of black these days. :)

My midwife advised I be "ready" at 37 weeks. It's been hard for me not to plan on going early since Ira was two weeks early. So I'm trying to get ready, but also remember that just because I'm having a lot of cramping/contracting etc, that could go on for awhile and doesn't really mean baby will be here super soon. Though it usually does mean my body is doing some work ahead of time, and I'll definitely take that! I'm dying to see how this labor/delivery goes since the first two turned out to be pretty different. 

1 comment:

sarah.flyingkites said...

Oh, the homestretch is a hard one!!

You look beautiful - as always - and I love all the pre-baby activities you're squeezing into the schedule!