Thanksgiving Weekend

Wow. Who doesn't love 4 day weekends? It practically felt like a week off. We definitely packed a lot in...

It all started with Thanksgiving with my family. There was the most massive amount of delicious food. Seriously, we've got some great cooks in the family!

There was some typical segregation of the boys playing football and the girls "cleaning up" which mostly means lots and lots of talking.

We got to stay until mid-day on Friday and hang with my parents which was fun. Then back home to unpack, repack and leave early Saturday morning for Chicago with Devin's family!

 Despite much protest about being touristy...Devin forced me into a classic bean picture.

 Downtown Chicago at night. So much fun walking around the city all bundled up!
 Anytime we wanted a group photo, Devin would pull out his iPhone. This was soon dubbed "Big Devin and the Little Family". Photos taken at the bean, the Cadillac Palace Theater, and Grand Lux Cafe´. Unfortunately we were missing two people due to the flu. So sad!

 The purpose and highlight of the trip...Les Mis on Broadway! It was my first big show like this and it was so fun to take it all in!

There were lots of stops at coffee shops, tea shops, snack shops, and other kinds of shops. What a fun weekend! Big thanks to Devin's parents for taking us on such a fun trip!


leah said...

looks like a fun filled weekend!

cracking up over devin & little family. behehe.

Daveana said...

So jealous of your Chicago trip! Looks so FuN!

Linda said...

I must say...Francesville looks pretty drab compared to the lights and sights of Chicago. Glad you enjoyed both! :)

Joy said...

I agree you have great cooks in your family. You made us a delicious meal, Sara always brings yummy things to family gatherings and Mollys dinner, when we were over, was awesome too!

Eric & Marissa Bahler said...

...Also loving the "Big Devin, Little family". So worth it to capture the whole group!

Betsy said...

Ok I have no clue what you mean by the classic bean pic. And your winter coat is lovely!