More Weekend Tales

In addition to our magical movie night, we had some other really fun things about last weekend. We just really love our weekends...and I think we do them really well.

I had another baby shower with Dev's side of the family as well as church people. It was such a fun morning with delicious brunch food and gifts. Devin's cousin is home schooled and used her art project for the week to create really fun decor for the shower...

Both of our mom's went together and bought us our stroller and car seat combo. I'm really excited about them and think spending a bit extra on something we'll use so much will be well worth it!

Between house and baby purchases, this guy is getting really good at assembling things. :)

I really like our church, for a number of reasons, but one is that they bring in really cool musicians for concerts and sometimes those bands lead worship on Sunday. This past Sunday these guys led was so fun and I loved their take on hymns. You should head to spotify or iTunes or wherever you listen to music and check out their Hymn EP.

And just because...

30 week bump.


Jill said...

You look so adorable :)

Betsy said...

That is SUCH a fun painting! And SUCH a quirky song! And such a sleek stroller! And such a cute bump!!

Daveana said...

OH my Word. I never understand why women who are pregnant don't think they look adorable. Seriously. So cute!!!

P.S. LOVE THE MUSIC!!! Right up my alley!

Love ya girl!

leah said...

oh wow--i LOVE that music too--thanks for sharing.

oh and i love devin's pose in the stoller picture-behehe.

and as you know, i think you are adorable! :)

sarah.flyingkites said...

I CANNOT believe you are 30 weeks already - this is flying (well, at least for me :))

L, Ann and boys said...

Love the music. Thanks for posting. Very cool stroller combo. I think you'll be glad it's black and sleek. I like everything to be can imagine my sadness at the impracticality of the choice with kiddos. The white leather couch someday...maybe. ;)

The ten week count down!


Christen Leigh said...

I do like that music! Fun!