The End of Week Six & Phase Two

That's right, we're two-thirds of the way done with living in separate states! One minute I feel excited about how far we've come and the next minute I'm feeling like I just can't do three more weeks of this.

I'm happy to report Devin passed his second phase easily (easily because of crazy hard work he put in) and there's no more risk of him having to repeat anything and be gone an extra three weeks (thank you Jesus!). This means we're not in danger of missing our trip to Northern CA that we have planned for a couple weeks after he gets back. To say I'm looking forward to a week away sipping wine with my long lost husband is a huge understatement.

Thankfully, we've had a good week back from our Florida trip. Some fun outings with friends, my sister's family over for dinner, Bible study, etc.

Henrik is all into helping with things lately, which of course means creating more work for his mama. This pictures cracks me up: bed head, no pants, and a funny face as he graciously "unloads" the dishwasher.

I was dying to cook for someone other than myself and the child who throws everything on the floor, so it was fun to plan a meal for my sister Molly's family. Not to brag or anything, but it was so, so good!

I made two recipes from the food blog Love and Lemons, one of my favorites. The meal was vegetarian, well, vegan actually.

And the main course: Aloo Gobi-ish

Seriously, make these. I can say with certainty that they are going to be regulars around the W household.

Well, happy weekend. Devin is scheduled to be home in 13ish hours. 12:59, 12:58, 12:57...


sarah.flyingkites said...

Love this :)

Linda said...

I was happy to see another post and so happy to see Henrik :) He looks so big!

As for the food...I would have to try it to believe it :) (Kidding...kind of)

leah said...

haha, love that picture of henrik - he is such a sweet pea!

hope you have a wonderful weekend with your mr!

Christen Leigh said...

That meal looks yummo! Have fun with your boys this weekend. :)

Betsy said...

2/3 done! GREAT!! Way to go, Devin and you...thank you, Jesus! I never buy or eat radishes--could the salad work w/o them or are they kind of essential?