Homemade Hand Soap

So, the deal with making a lot of your own household products is that you do have to invest a little up front to have certain ingredients on hand. However, it's totally worth it in the long run. I had to share the hand soap we've been using because I love it SO much!

I've always been someone who has to apply lotion right after washing my hands because they get so dried out from the hand soap. The is the first soap I've used that doesn't dry my hands out and it smells amazing! Not to mention incredibly easy to throw together.

So, here's what I have in our bathroom:

An empty Bath&Body Works foaming hand soap dispenser. I'll probably purchase a glass one at some point, but this works for now.

Here are the ingredients, plus filtered water:

*3 Tablespoons liquid castile soap (I used Dr. Bronner's baby mild in the soap above, but lavender is all I have on hand currently. Any kind would work.)

*1/2 teaspoon Vitamin E Oil (this is technically optional, but I think is worth it to help with the dryness factor)

*5 drops essential oil (optional if you don't have essential oils, but if you do, use one that has anti-bac properties) I used Thieves because it's winter and there's lots of nasty sickness going around. I think in the spring and summer I'll switch to grapefruit or lemon! Tea tree or lavender would also be good choices!

DIRECTIONS: In an empty foaming hand soap dispenser, first put in your castile soap, then your oils. Slowly fill to the top with water. Lightly shake a few times to mix up.


sarah.flyingkites said...

There is one positive to your hubby being gone...loving all your blogging!


Sara Huber said...


L, Ann and boys said...

I can smell thieves just reading about it... ;) Very cool

leah said...

this is so neat! i'm going to have to try a little on friday! ;)

T and M said...

i like that it's not broad spectrum antibacterial like lots of Bath & Body works stuff

Erica Gutwein said...

Hey Emily! I ran across this blog post of yours, and I love the idea of homemade hand soap! Where did you get the products you used to make it?

emilykate said...

Hey Erica! Drugstores would probably have them, except they are usually overpriced there! You can get both the Vitamin E oil and Dr. Bronner's on Amazon. Also, not sure if there's a Kroger or other grocer that has a natural food section? In our Kroger Marketplace, there's a natural foods section that also has natural body products, and you can find the Dr. Bronners and Vitamin E oil.

For the oils, drugstores carry some basic essential oils like lavender and tea tree. But for young living oils, like Thieves you order them from a member. If you're interested in that, I can help you out!

Erica Gutwein said...

Thanks Emily! I'm going to look into that:-)

Betsy said...

So glad you're enjoying your soap! And I love it that you made a label for it, too :)

Christen Leigh said...

This looks so easy and nice!! I would love to make this sometime. :) My hands have been super dry this week, so that aspect is appealing. Thanks for sharing!